We are here for our Educators
Connect better with your students using iT1 and our partners.
For more information on managed services and K-12 distance learning offers contact [email protected].

Current Microsoft Offers:
Moving to remote learning can be complicated, especially when needed urgently. Microsoft has some tools and resources to help you get started.
Don’t forget: Office 365 is Free for Education.
There’s more than coding in Minecraft: Education Edition collection.
Education Transformation Framework – An effective, flexible platform for education transformation grounded by research from academics, experts, and policy makers.
Microsoft offers online professional development in the Microsoft Educator Central.
iT1 can connect you to Free Remote Training from Microsoft for teachers and administrators.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is providing tools to support remote learning and teaching. This includes providing customers in the most affected regions with technical support, offerings, and AWS Promotional Credit to help educational technology providers and educators around the world quickly deploy or extend learning into the home.
Looking to get on track with a cloud computing career?
AWS offers free training and development for students 14yrs and up in the United States to participate in their AWS Educate program.

Google Apps For Education (GAFE) is available – this is a free service provided to schools for cloud based storage, content creation and collaboration by Google.
Google’s Distance/Remote Learning – keep lessons going remotely! Here is a list of tools to help. Need a bit more? Download the G Suite Chromebook Pedagogy Tips and Tricks Document below.